With luv, Nadia
Thursday, April 16, 2009
With luv, Nadia
Friday, April 3, 2009
Never Fails

I might be on haitus due to lack of study and lack of rest. I'm trying my very best to get my life as free from any meet ups with anyone as possible. I'm sorry if I have to cancel out your plans with me. I understand now that I have to balance out time with lots of stuff. Study and rest are the first one for me to catch up with. But I'll blog every week, if possible. Talking about every week, I won't be out every Saturday with TKR anymore. So sorry guys, you know your mistakes. Change it.
I'm having trouble with this group of 'friends' lately. They have been the most annoying group I have ever known. What I know and what I think is that, they're are jealous with me having baby right by my side.
One of the members had and is having a crush with baby, but I'm cool with that cause he was a close friend of mine. So I didn't do anything with him, but ignored. When the ignoring continues, he kept climbing on my head. He kept sending text messages to baby, and she too could repied back. My brain cells when bursting when I found out that someone told him that me and baby broke up, which was a lie. So we got up to a fight. I had prepared a text message if we really had to break us up.
But things went safe. Nothing had happen to us. We thought of building our trust by not sending text messages to each of the person that me and her hates. She agreed, me too.
Readers, give me some tips to what I am suppose to do with this guy who has been interfering our relationship. What is the best way to do it? I don't want to hurt him, cause he was my 'close-friend' and I still treat him as a brother of mine.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Friend or Foe?