For like 1029472341 times I've been trying to get online. And after I came online, a few minutes later I was offline. It goes on and on. Screw MSN lah! Sorry people if this irritates you.
I woke up at around 12pm today. I wanted to sleep till 7pm! Damn it lah! The reason I woke up was because someone called me. Guess who? Butterfly called. Hak! Shocked? I was shocked too. She asked me to accompany her around Jurong Point to buy things. The reason I agreed was because she was the time-waster for me so that I won't be too early at Haqiz's house.
Nothing much happen, really. I didn't talk much to her. My mind was completely blank when we're walking around the extended mall. So all I did was kept my mouth shut till she asked me something. Neither I want to fall in love with her nor her to fall in love with me. I want us to remain friends. Cause you're no longer my type.
Went to Haqiz's house. We watched Ninja Warrior through YouTube. Some made me laugh, some made my jaw drops. We talked about soccer after that. He might be coming for my training on Monday. I want our training to be more tougher. Talking about soccer, our match was abandoned due to the bloody blink on the lightning signal. We're leading 3-1 then.
Izdi and Izham also known as the 'Iz' asked me to join them to play pool. My hands were shaking whenever I'm holding the stick. Soon I master it! I almost won Izdi on the first game. Then I won him after that game. How cool? Almost all long shots. They call me the 'Talent King'. Muahuahua.
I've been bloghopping since just now. Bored yknow! I found this blogger. Her english, 1 word; Wow! She wrote this. Either her or someone else.
Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost, sometimes unrecognized, but in the end, always found with no regrets, forever valued and kept treasured.
5 more minutes to your birthday. Should I waste my prepaid on you? After I send to that message, what will happen? I want no trouble.
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