Saturday, May 16, 2009

Still Inactive, Sorry!

Hi! I'm sorry for I have been so inactive for a very long time. My comp is still down and I am having a very hard time to get it fixed back. Anybody who knew how to solve this fucked up thingy, please try to contact me. Thank you!

Well, I'm basically at my cousin's crib, using her comp while everyone is busy looking at what am I typing. Screw them anyways. So, back to my life. Its been boring lately. Nothing much happens. Exams are over and I am so the very happy babe. Eventhough exams are on, I still don't know why I don't take it seriously. During the papers, I slept the whole paper. I don't care less about exams. I did study. Yes, I did people. Study for like less than 1hour 15mins. At least I did study.

Okay, anyways. Some are curious about my relationship with Zurfiqah. Its not going quite well lately. Everyday meet, everyday fight. But the love is still not fading though. She's not the best there is YET, i know who's the best all this while. Nadia, you-know-i-know-they-don't-know. I miss her soooo much!

Anyways, talking about missing people. I miss lots of people sia. First of, Nurdiana Erniwaty Binte Ismail, Balqis Binte Razak. 2 person that I want to meet so damn badly. But when? Tell me when.

Okay, I'm done now. I have lots to do now. I'll try to blog ASAP. Sorry readers about the wait.

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