I'm already stressed up! Thank you people for making this happen. I didn't asked for trouble, but yet trouble came. Sounds like its time for me to shut a lot of people up. Before you even think of creating trouble down here, try creating trouble face to face. I'm sure that would be more easier to settle things out.
To HannaBintang;
Thank you for making me pissed off early morning. A very big thank you. You made me break my fast. I cried and cried on the way to school. Thanks for telling me I'm useless cause I can't move on. Yes, I'm useless. Good! I'm useless to be a friend of yours. I'm no more you babypartner, I ONLY want to be your cyberfriend. Nothing more. Nothing left to say, then shush!
And to Fatin Ahterawr;
If I could show a big middle finger to you and tell you to suck this finger of mine, I would. What's the problem with you, huh? Did I even say I want them to fight? Did I mention that I want her back? Fcuk no. And I said IF she would give me the chance, NOT please give me a chance. But I know I won't get it. Cause I'm not that pathetic to wait for a girl who is happy living her life. Please kindly understand the words that has been type out. Its in English, hello? And your vulgarities is seriously not needed. If you aren't happy with me, then meet. Sort things out face to face, not in tagboards. You said be in Ryan's situation? Be in my situation, fcuk! I am trying so hard to move on. Yet, did things change? No! Brains people brains! Mentangmentang, berkawan ngan dia, pikir kau jiwer dia sangat uh? Isap dalamdalam. Kawan lain semua mana? Buang kat mana pulak? You came for trouble, here it comes. You think I don't know where you're schooling at? I have friends there eh. Pikir dua kali. Tak dua, tiga eh. Thank you.
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