I'm sleepy but yet excited. I can't wait for school to reopen. I've got lots of studying to do. I wanna meet my friends. I wanna ask if they fast these past few days.
Went to meet Martin at noon opposite Pioneer Sec. Sit there, talk about life, love and lies. Can't really picture my friend who's small size, smaller than my bro, got beaten up by Skinheads. Fact or fiction? Soon to find out. If the story is true, he should be in the ICU right now. I asked him how the hell he got Sharifah Nabilah Alkaff, a woman who is such a lovely person, hot? The answer, 'I don't know'. Hah, how could he not know? Sit there till 3+pm, then went to his house. I just want to waste time there. But end up breaking fast down there. His family's the best man! I just wish I could have a dad like that. :(
Nurdiana Erniwaty Binte Ismail, the girl I love since she was sec 1 but didn't told her till this year, msg me. Saying I should just forget about her. Why should I? I love her, its not easy for me to move on. Even if I move on, I still will be thinking of her. She said she was stress about life. So why should I leave her? I wanna be by her side, I don't want to see her to stress up, crying about life. I wanna be there for her. Girl, I'm always just a beep away. If you need anything, I'm there.
Anyways, I'll be at nenek house tmr. So that means, I'm not gonna be online or blogging. Don't miss me to much aight? Just beep me if there's anything.

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