For your sake Nadia!
1 Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket ?
- New York? Sydney? Paris?
2 What's your favourite thing to do ?
- Listen to songs, writing lyrics, talking otp with Nadd.
3 Do you think money can buy happiness ?
- Is this a question or a joke? Of course no lah!
4 If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be ?
- Love from anyone!
5 Things you can't live without :
- MY IPOD! I need songs in my head every now and then. Hear that Nadia?
6 What are you afraid to lose ?
- Nadia, Nadd, Martin, ZhaoLiang! They're my close friends.
7 If you win $1 million dollars, what would you do ?
- Fuck every girls in Geylang? Hah, how would I know.
8 What do you dream of doing in the future ?
- Be Singapore's famous rapper.
9 List down 3 good points about the person who gave you this survey:
- Giler! Tengah-tengah malam suroh org buat ni.
- Friendliest person I've ever met.
- Hot? Could be.
10 What makes you happy ?
- Spending time with my closest friends!
11 What type of person do you hate the most?
- Liars, people who acts big fuck and somemore.
12 If you have a super power what would it be?
- Fly like Superman! I want to visit the world without taking out any money.
13 Would you go for happiness or money ?
- Happiness lah.
14 Who do you think is the most important people in your life ?
- Friends.
15 If you have a girlfriend, would you die for him ?
- See if its worth it.
16 Who's the last person who hugged you ?
- NADIA! I was shocked for awhile.
17 What is the one thing you want to do badly right now ?
- Go for a massage. My back hurts real bad. :(
18 Who are you close to ?
- Nadd, Nadia, Martin. There's more to list but I'm lazy.
19 Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like her?
- Yup! Sampai bile nak simpan kat dalam hati bob?
20 If you could do one thing all over again what would it be ?
- Go back to 2006. I could just confess to Diana and be with her till now.
21 7 things that scare you:
- Lizards aka cicak kobeng.
- Insects.
- Hantu.
- Losing my friends.
- Losing Diana.
- Getting bad results for FYE.
22 7 things that you like/love the most:
- Nurdiana Erniwaty binte Ismail
- My genius brains for being so clever in getting an internet connection
- iPod
- My 'jbl On Call 5310' speakers!
- Hugs from Nadia! Haha! I lioke!
- Going out with friends
- Talking otp with friends!
7 important things in my room:
- The speaker.
- Fan.
- Light.
- Sofabed
- Laptop.
- Charger.
- Guitar.
Bored people, please do this questionnaire. I'm suffering because of this. Gila punya pompan, suloh olang buat benda ini. Haiyo! You owe me a hug bby!
After the survey, Nadia showed me her friends profile. Fuyoh! Hot, hot babe! Except for one, eww, I don't lioke! She showed me alot ah. But I'm only interested in 2 girls. 1 of them I've just added on friendster and msn. Twin dok! Its gonna be hard to recognise which is which. Another, waiting for to accept my friend request.
Online-shopping with Faiz. He wanted to buy me present! Yahoo! I want hoodie Faiz! I want this Topman hoodie! Cool babe, if only it's white in colour, it will be more cool! I want this!!

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