I don't understand. What's the point of breaking up/divorce? Just because of a fight, it has to happen this way. Why can't it be settled by talking? Why do they fight? Why must they go? Why now? I just don't understand.
Me and my dad; eventhough our relationship doesn't seem so close, I still love him, I still treat him as my dad. I treated him bad since 2004. The year that I suffered most during my PSLE and it affected my studies. Now its happening again and next year is N'Levels. I want to my best for N'Levels, I want to go Poly or even better college. And I'm scared it will affect my studies.
I blog about this so that readers can show to their parents what I'm going through. I don't care if my cousins are reading this. Blogging is the only thing I can express my feelings.
You may think divorce is the best way. Well all I can say is, you're selfish motherfucking freaks living in the world that god create for us to love, not to hate each other and leave them. You only think of yourself. If you love your children, why do this? You think it won't affect them? Fucking yes, you can see your kids happy but they're crying inside. They'll miss the times they enjoy together with their family. I'm sure of it.
I'll miss dad. I'll miss the times we spent together as a family on Genting Highlands, our only vacation outside Singapore. I miss the times I had during my birthday. The last birthday gift I had from him was an organ/piano when I was primary 6. I understand he didn't gave me presents anymore cause he had credits to pay. I gave me a hug, which had been so long since I had from him. Tears can't stop rolling down my cheeks, even right now as I'm blogging. I just don't understand. Why must they tell me? Why? I had enough problems in my head and I don't need anymore.
Now these questions start appearing in my head. Who's going to pay for my school fees? Who's going to pay for my conssesion pass for traveling? Who's going to give me pocket money? Who's going to buy me school books?
I guess I had to find another work. Double work, double money.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
I Know You Do Love Me
"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were." - by I don't know who.
Well, this qoute. It kinds of make me think of the bright side. No matter how many times bby told me that she don't love me, I still know that she does love me. Act malu-malu kucing pulak. If you want leave me, I don't mind but I'm scared though.
Anyways, today keje relax sungguh. I did the oiling at first when I came for work. Oil banyak-banyak skali. I did pizza today but I never do the topping! Banyak worr. Aku dah pandai! The dough's very soft. I had to pat the dough softly not to cause and tear in it. I cut the pizza. First time, kecoh siol. Mat motor ketawe kan. Nasib baik pizza aku sendiri untuk makan. Spoil sak aku cut, at last makan mcm gitu je.
When there's nothing to do, kite lepak kat Somerset. Not that Somerset. There's this dough machine at the back of the kitchen called 'Somerset'. Merepek sak Wahyudi. At last tidur situ. Terbaring kat situ. Sejuk sak. Nana woke us up and said, 'Oi, sedap eh tidur? Korang pikir ni rumah korang pe?'. Manager pun gerek.
Belajar motor! Went down to carpark with Wahyudi to smoke. Motor the lawa, putih lagi! Spark eh name die? Susah betul ah nak tau motor. Die punye modified lagi ah, horn die kuat nak mampos. Asked him lots of questions about bike. He paid instalment of $150/month for his bike. Murah sial. Aku nak! Terus boleh bawak chick aku jalan-jalan. Eh bby?
Anyways, tmr I'm working at 6pm. So I've got lots of time to pay back my sleep. At last! Ingatkan ade bola besok tapi takde. Waste time aku nak tanye manager je tau.
I miss you, Nur Atika binte Marjuki. Bile mau meet lagi? I can't meet you this week or next week. Abeh you can't go out sampai you leave Singapore on 18th December. Mcm mane mau jumpe sia? Maybe we meet after you balik k? I miss our late night calls. Aku jealous skrg. Semue orang ngah otp. Aku sorang je. Sedih siol. ): Ape nak buat? Dapat gaji je, top up! Tapi kene save some for bby's shoes.
Nights. Wanna sleep.
Well, this qoute. It kinds of make me think of the bright side. No matter how many times bby told me that she don't love me, I still know that she does love me. Act malu-malu kucing pulak. If you want leave me, I don't mind but I'm scared though.
Anyways, today keje relax sungguh. I did the oiling at first when I came for work. Oil banyak-banyak skali. I did pizza today but I never do the topping! Banyak worr. Aku dah pandai! The dough's very soft. I had to pat the dough softly not to cause and tear in it. I cut the pizza. First time, kecoh siol. Mat motor ketawe kan. Nasib baik pizza aku sendiri untuk makan. Spoil sak aku cut, at last makan mcm gitu je.
When there's nothing to do, kite lepak kat Somerset. Not that Somerset. There's this dough machine at the back of the kitchen called 'Somerset'. Merepek sak Wahyudi. At last tidur situ. Terbaring kat situ. Sejuk sak. Nana woke us up and said, 'Oi, sedap eh tidur? Korang pikir ni rumah korang pe?'. Manager pun gerek.
Belajar motor! Went down to carpark with Wahyudi to smoke. Motor the lawa, putih lagi! Spark eh name die? Susah betul ah nak tau motor. Die punye modified lagi ah, horn die kuat nak mampos. Asked him lots of questions about bike. He paid instalment of $150/month for his bike. Murah sial. Aku nak! Terus boleh bawak chick aku jalan-jalan. Eh bby?
Anyways, tmr I'm working at 6pm. So I've got lots of time to pay back my sleep. At last! Ingatkan ade bola besok tapi takde. Waste time aku nak tanye manager je tau.
I miss you, Nur Atika binte Marjuki. Bile mau meet lagi? I can't meet you this week or next week. Abeh you can't go out sampai you leave Singapore on 18th December. Mcm mane mau jumpe sia? Maybe we meet after you balik k? I miss our late night calls. Aku jealous skrg. Semue orang ngah otp. Aku sorang je. Sedih siol. ): Ape nak buat? Dapat gaji je, top up! Tapi kene save some for bby's shoes.
Nights. Wanna sleep.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Pizza Anyone?
First day of work dah fun giler. Mat motor gerek dok! I woke up as early as I can. Eyes were still heavy due to tiredness and just 3 hours of sleep. I left my house around 6.15am and I took my time to work cause I know I was too early. I skipped three 185 buses and still I arrived work place too early. Backdoor's locked and I just waited outside. Lame siol tunggu, from 7am - 8am. 1 hour of waiting. Quite worth it lah cause I won Intercontinential Championship. Tak perlu bilang siol.
First thing I did when I entered the kitchen, abang suruh tukar baju to uniform. Uniform lawa dok! Kalau nak tengok, turun Jurong East Swimming Complex k. How are you going to see me working when I'll be at the kitchen? If I'm on break pun, I'll be with mat motor kat carpark. So pandai2 carik aku eh?
Today I didn't get to learn how to make pizza. Shit you QA officers. Datang buat kecoh. Cannot here, cannot there. Command je korang eh. So tomorrow/today learning dough making, toppings tu semue tak yah. Complicated giler.
Anyways, I'm off to sleep. I'm still lacking of sleep.
danialsayangtyqa™; 25th
First thing I did when I entered the kitchen, abang suruh tukar baju to uniform. Uniform lawa dok! Kalau nak tengok, turun Jurong East Swimming Complex k. How are you going to see me working when I'll be at the kitchen? If I'm on break pun, I'll be with mat motor kat carpark. So pandai2 carik aku eh?
Today I didn't get to learn how to make pizza. Shit you QA officers. Datang buat kecoh. Cannot here, cannot there. Command je korang eh. So tomorrow/today learning dough making, toppings tu semue tak yah. Complicated giler.
Anyways, I'm off to sleep. I'm still lacking of sleep.
danialsayangtyqa™; 25th
Happy Belated Birthday Tyqabby!
Happy birthday bby! I know now its 26th November but I hope its not too late to post it. I know my present for you is very cheap but my love for you very mahal tau. And I promise you that I'll buy something that will get you super happy. I know what you want. And I'll get it for you, I promise. You're the very first person that I truely, madly, deeply in love with. Ni semua tuhan dah plan. And I hope tuhan akan plan kite berdua happy untuk selama-lamanya. And I takot you akan tinggalkan I. Walau apapun, I akan sayang you. I akan tunggu untuk you eventhough you ngan kekasih lain. You're my everything, I love you so so so much Nur Atika binte Marjuki! 25/11; a date to remember.
If you want to know what happen during Tyqa's birthday celebration, please kindly visit Tyqa's blog yourself. I am super tired to blog about it.
If you want to know what happen during Tyqa's birthday celebration, please kindly visit Tyqa's blog yourself. I am super tired to blog about it.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm Sorry
Seriously, I'm lost. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. I don't even know what fucking time and place to meet them in 12 hours time. I don't feel excited anymore. I don't feel the feeling I had in a weeks back. I don't have cash to go out. I'm simply broke. I did work for like 1 day but I have not get the payment yet. Its been like 1 week ago. Where's that fucking money?! What's the point of going out when you have no cash in your pockets, even no coins? Tell me! What? You expect me go around begging money? I'm not a beggar. I am seriously pissed off right now. I am super pissed off!!!! I'm pissed off cause my life is like this.
I see people around and I'll get jealous and sad. They have these smile in their faces. They got to eat different food each single day. Me, I eat the same thing over and over again. That's why I'm getting skinnier each day. I may look like a kid next door but I don't. You don't know the real Danial in the house. You don't know what I've been doing at home cause I didn't blog about it.
I woke up late again, at around 7pm. I opened the door and nobody's at home. Standard living. I'm better off living alone. Checked on the rice cooker. Fucking assholess. There's no rice, that means no food. There's no food around! I'm stuck at home, starving. I'm super pissed off right now. I'm off the limit already.
I guess that I'm not going tmr. If dad's not giving me money, then I rather stay at home, wait under bby's block or just wait outside the sentosa monorail gate. I don't want to use people's money. It's theirs, they work for it. I remember what mom used to say, 'Kaw miskin, so act miskin. Jangan nak act kaw anak orang kaye.'
I see people around and I'll get jealous and sad. They have these smile in their faces. They got to eat different food each single day. Me, I eat the same thing over and over again. That's why I'm getting skinnier each day. I may look like a kid next door but I don't. You don't know the real Danial in the house. You don't know what I've been doing at home cause I didn't blog about it.
I woke up late again, at around 7pm. I opened the door and nobody's at home. Standard living. I'm better off living alone. Checked on the rice cooker. Fucking assholess. There's no rice, that means no food. There's no food around! I'm stuck at home, starving. I'm super pissed off right now. I'm off the limit already.
I guess that I'm not going tmr. If dad's not giving me money, then I rather stay at home, wait under bby's block or just wait outside the sentosa monorail gate. I don't want to use people's money. It's theirs, they work for it. I remember what mom used to say, 'Kaw miskin, so act miskin. Jangan nak act kaw anak orang kaye.'
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tired Because Of Fun
I'm currently not in the mood cause my iPod is giveing me trouble. Stupid shit. I felt like throwing away from the 10th storey. Wait, I can sell it. $150, anyone? I can sell it through ebay. Talking about ebay, I won the Haro Bike a week ago and I didn't even read the e-mail send by the ebay. I'm sure screwed up by the site.

Moving on. I went out with Nadia and Nadheera today. I woke up around 7.30am, which sooo freaking early cause I don't want to get myself late. I was suppose to meet Nadia at 11.30am so I watched tv, surf the net. Watched 'Whose Line Is It Anyway' on YouTube. Without YouTube, life would be boring, am I right? Look, right now bby's watching Corner With Love on YouTube.
I left my house around 11.20am, then I walked from my house to Boon Lay interchange cause Nadia said to meet at 11.50am so I take my own sweet time ah. When I reached Jurong East, I saw that pretty lady (next stop, Kembangan). Train-ed to Woodlands and walked around Causeway Point. Saw what we wanted to buy, tapi mahal sangat siol. Takpe lah, tunggu gaji aku. Nanti beli sebesar punye. We went to the arcade to just walk around but I found out that I had the card. I can play but I have to top up some money in. Played this game. Super annoying lah. Nadia fed up with that machine. Stupid money-sucker machine!
Train-ed to Chua Chu Kang to meet Nadheera. I keep telling Nadia to wear a skirt which really fits her. But she's so stuborn. Little kids doesn't know the taste of fashion, what to do? We sat and waited at McDonald's for that slow princess. Nadia felt bored for a moment and wanted to prank someone. So I gave Haqiz number, sorry babe! Prank maut siol, minahrep style. It took quite a long time for my to understand one word. I really hate those kind of broken english. Even if you're english isn't good, at least write like how to write during your exams.
eg. Aku tawq takot arh.
Dhendhen, eu leavee me alone.
Seriously, I can't stand all those msges. Its not that I hate minah lah but I just don't like the way they msg.
Anyways, we went to Vivo after Nadheera came. Such a long time since I ate that lemon chicken rice at Banquet. I even ate Nadheera's and Nadia's foods. Still hungry at that moment. We walk around to find something, but it's price was expensive and I don't think its that big. Then off to Bugis. Nadia wanted to buy a dress for 25th cause she was told to by her members. As soon as I see a dress, I told Nadia to buy this but she kept saying, 'Rimas'. Ape yang rimas sangat? Seriously Nadia, you look good in it. Anyways, we saw this dress which is nice but we went looking around to find nicer ones. Then Nadia wanted the previous one so we patah balik. Carik punye carik tak jumpe2, rupenye kedai tutup for awhile cause the shopowner nak makan. So we all went level 3 to wait. Camwhore!
I'm lazy to post what happen next. Read Nadia's blog if you want to. Die sexy tau korang! And jgn nak terpikat ngan die eh! Tu adik aku. Kaw nak die, give me you particulars. Hahaha. Merepek sak aku. Korang nak die, amek ah. Jgn bukan2 sudah eh.
Camwhore pictures. I know, my face. Hahaha.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Finally Work Came To Me
Yeepidie yey!
My mom woke me up around 11am. She said my uncle got a position for me at Pizza Hut. I felt grateful At last, I've got something to do rather than sleeping at home like a pig. I won't tell you where I would work cause I hate people spying on me while I'm working. Feels uncomfortable. But sooner or later you'll know cause the place is such a common place where people would visit.
Went for the interview and I got it. But there's somethings I need to do and bring. I have to photocopy both bank book and IC (both sides), buy black socks and shoes, go for this injection thingy but I went for it before and I forgot where I put the receipt. Gosh, I have to go for another one. I hate needles.
After the interview, I went to Haqiz house. Downloaded some songs to my iPod. I've got my iPod from 1/4 to 3/4 full of songs. Then went to Danish which is a few metres away from bby's house. I walked past her block when I went back home.
imy bby!
Tmr meeting Nadia! So long suckers!
My mom woke me up around 11am. She said my uncle got a position for me at Pizza Hut. I felt grateful At last, I've got something to do rather than sleeping at home like a pig. I won't tell you where I would work cause I hate people spying on me while I'm working. Feels uncomfortable. But sooner or later you'll know cause the place is such a common place where people would visit.
Went for the interview and I got it. But there's somethings I need to do and bring. I have to photocopy both bank book and IC (both sides), buy black socks and shoes, go for this injection thingy but I went for it before and I forgot where I put the receipt. Gosh, I have to go for another one. I hate needles.
After the interview, I went to Haqiz house. Downloaded some songs to my iPod. I've got my iPod from 1/4 to 3/4 full of songs. Then went to Danish which is a few metres away from bby's house. I walked past her block when I went back home.
imy bby!
Tmr meeting Nadia! So long suckers!
This One's For You
'Cause if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you girl
Until the end of time'
Until The End Of Time - Justin Timberlake
I Love You, Nur Atika Binte Marjuki!
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you girl
Until the end of time'
Until The End Of Time - Justin Timberlake
I Love You, Nur Atika Binte Marjuki!
Friday, November 21, 2008
I Miss You People!
Its the second time I've woke up very late. The last time I woke up late was till the next morning. But today I woke up at 6.30pm. And fyi i'm still sleepy.
There's certain people that I miss. I miss Tyqabby. I miss Nadia. I miss Ain. I miss Zulhaqem. I miss Izham. I miss Shahril. I miss 3E'07. I miss Nad and the fun things we did during our late night calls last time. I miss Balqis. I miss Farz. I miss Zaki. I miss Hougang Mall. I miss Aisyah. I miss Botak. I miss Budak RC!
Those names not there, I'm sorry. These names are in my head once I woke up.
I was chatting with Nadia, Aidah, Kaseh and Zara was completely lost. I don't know what the fish they were talking. Plan, plan, then talk crap non-stop. I was completely lost, then one by one was gone. To eat, I guess?
I'm meeting Nadia on Monday. So all plans have to be canceled. I'm not going to 4E's class chalet. There's something more important to do.
There's certain people that I miss. I miss Tyqabby. I miss Nadia. I miss Ain. I miss Zulhaqem. I miss Izham. I miss Shahril. I miss 3E'07. I miss Nad and the fun things we did during our late night calls last time. I miss Balqis. I miss Farz. I miss Zaki. I miss Hougang Mall. I miss Aisyah. I miss Botak. I miss Budak RC!
Those names not there, I'm sorry. These names are in my head once I woke up.
I was chatting with Nadia, Aidah, Kaseh and Zara was completely lost. I don't know what the fish they were talking. Plan, plan, then talk crap non-stop. I was completely lost, then one by one was gone. To eat, I guess?
I'm meeting Nadia on Monday. So all plans have to be canceled. I'm not going to 4E's class chalet. There's something more important to do.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It Was Ruined.
Young Crew's chalet was a mess. Its not all the members from Young Crew, just the intake 05's. At first I thought of not going but suddenly shit happens at home and I just felt like running away. So I did met them down there.
I couldn't text or call anyone cause my ppd has no value so I had search for them up and down and at last I found them outside McDonald's. Luckily I found them down there, if not I'll be at the bbq pit alone. Everyone's faces were looking unhappy. Somethings fishy, but I just kept quiet. Maybe its because I didn't pay for it and they think I'm an extra down there, but I don't care. I can't eat the food, its fine. I just came cause I wanna spend my last day (hopefully not) with them. They went off playing arcade games. I just sat at one side watch at them playing, smiling, laughing. Face of happiness. I tried my best to show my happy face but I don't think I managed to.
I skipped to the bbq part. Me, Faris and Faiz when to the pit first while the rest were still spending money on a machine which can give entertainment which can only last to like 10 minutes? We met Izdi and his friend, Nadia. This Nadia tak lawa and tinggi. So I prefer MY Siti Nadia binte ____. We started the fire first before eating. Duh, who would want to eat raw? I didn't ate that much though, my head kept repeating "I didn't pay".
There was conflict in our group, a big one. A problem which was cause quite a long time ago. But to make sure there won't be a fight or anything, one of them was at the other end of East Coast. In the middle of the night bad shit happens. It happens so fast. Punches thrown. Luckily I didn't got one on my right eye, phew! I don't want to tell you people what happens. Only for me to know, for you to find out. It happens in the middle of the night, like about 3am? There's tents everywhere around us and they're shouting vulgars. Just imagine how noisy it was and still those people in the tent were still sleeping soundly. Baik eh? If Singapore got terrorist attack, still they'll be sleeping.
By sunrise, most of them were gone. But some stayed. We finally got to swim. I took a dive and that burning sensation I felt in my right eye but its the feeling is nice. When I looked into the mirror now, its gone! The swell's gone! I'm fine, but there's something I must not tell. I need to see the doctor as soon as possible.
I've read bby's post. I can't even wait for 25th. For the first time I'm gonna do that. Nervous and excited. Hopefully there would be more people joining. Then more the merrier. Kalau boleh, nak bawak satu family turun sak. Nenek aku, makcik-makcik aku, family aku. semue skali ah. Hahaha.
I miss Nur Atika binte Marjuki very much. I want to give my sudden kiss again! Hahaha, main giler kepe? If I were given a chance, I would stay with you forever. Never let you go.
I would never find another lover sweeter than you, sweeter than you
For all my life, I pray for someone like you
And I thank god that I finally found you
For all my life, I pray for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too
I love you bby!
I'm sure there would be haters out there checking me out again. And I know what's in their mind. "Sialah, budak ni. Nak step sweet". Confirm these words will come out. But there's no tagboard, so whatever anger you have, keep it ok? To tell you the truth, I sincerely love Tyqa very much. Say whatever you got to say, I don't care. My love for her won't break.
I couldn't text or call anyone cause my ppd has no value so I had search for them up and down and at last I found them outside McDonald's. Luckily I found them down there, if not I'll be at the bbq pit alone. Everyone's faces were looking unhappy. Somethings fishy, but I just kept quiet. Maybe its because I didn't pay for it and they think I'm an extra down there, but I don't care. I can't eat the food, its fine. I just came cause I wanna spend my last day (hopefully not) with them. They went off playing arcade games. I just sat at one side watch at them playing, smiling, laughing. Face of happiness. I tried my best to show my happy face but I don't think I managed to.
I skipped to the bbq part. Me, Faris and Faiz when to the pit first while the rest were still spending money on a machine which can give entertainment which can only last to like 10 minutes? We met Izdi and his friend, Nadia. This Nadia tak lawa and tinggi. So I prefer MY Siti Nadia binte ____. We started the fire first before eating. Duh, who would want to eat raw? I didn't ate that much though, my head kept repeating "I didn't pay".
There was conflict in our group, a big one. A problem which was cause quite a long time ago. But to make sure there won't be a fight or anything, one of them was at the other end of East Coast. In the middle of the night bad shit happens. It happens so fast. Punches thrown. Luckily I didn't got one on my right eye, phew! I don't want to tell you people what happens. Only for me to know, for you to find out. It happens in the middle of the night, like about 3am? There's tents everywhere around us and they're shouting vulgars. Just imagine how noisy it was and still those people in the tent were still sleeping soundly. Baik eh? If Singapore got terrorist attack, still they'll be sleeping.
By sunrise, most of them were gone. But some stayed. We finally got to swim. I took a dive and that burning sensation I felt in my right eye but its the feeling is nice. When I looked into the mirror now, its gone! The swell's gone! I'm fine, but there's something I must not tell. I need to see the doctor as soon as possible.
I've read bby's post. I can't even wait for 25th. For the first time I'm gonna do that. Nervous and excited. Hopefully there would be more people joining. Then more the merrier. Kalau boleh, nak bawak satu family turun sak. Nenek aku, makcik-makcik aku, family aku. semue skali ah. Hahaha.
I miss Nur Atika binte Marjuki very much. I want to give my sudden kiss again! Hahaha, main giler kepe? If I were given a chance, I would stay with you forever. Never let you go.
I would never find another lover sweeter than you, sweeter than you
For all my life, I pray for someone like you
And I thank god that I finally found you
For all my life, I pray for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too
I love you bby!
I'm sure there would be haters out there checking me out again. And I know what's in their mind. "Sialah, budak ni. Nak step sweet". Confirm these words will come out. But there's no tagboard, so whatever anger you have, keep it ok? To tell you the truth, I sincerely love Tyqa very much. Say whatever you got to say, I don't care. My love for her won't break.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Work Then Enjoy.
I had 1 hour of sleep early morning. Cause I'm scared I'll overslept and forgot about my work, which Farah introduced to me. The work is at Chevron's, somewhere near IMM Jurong. I got myself ready for work at about 6am. I was too eager to start working again. (money, money, money!) I reached there at about 7.05am. I thought I was late but it turns out I'm the one early. The work was kind of simple. Tape all the banners which looks like its gonna fall. Then I have to carry out the goodie bags out. It was freaking heavy, believe me. My back still aching due to this. There's some light snacks in the hall. The aroma of the food made my stomach felt cramped and it kept growling. We can only eat when the visitors left the place for converence at the ball room. When they left, I ate alot. 5 loa mai kai, 5 hotdog rolls, 5 muffins. Still then I was hungry but I didn't want to eat all of it. The visitors still are coming back for tea break.
I had a so called 'get-to-know-more-about-you' talk with Farah. I didn't know she ..... (tak perlu tau eh korang, secret!) After we finished our work, me and Farah went to IMM. Saw what I was looking for. But I didn't know if I want to buy it. We looked around and then we left. Ever you heard of a shuttle bus? Do we have to tap our ezlink cards to ride it? No right? This stupid, dumbass Farah said, "You dah tap ezlink card ke belum?". I don't know if she was joking or serious but she gave me that serious-looking face. Fool!
I met Nadia and bby at Jurong East. I miss Nadia soooo much! She did grow. Almost my height siol. I miss bby too! Nadia wanted to know what subjects she's taking next year so me and Tyqa followed. Skip the part until we met Rudi in school. Finally I got to see him. Rindu siol. 1 more I really miss soooo much, Nur' Ain binte Suhaimi. Mane kamu oi? Ku sedang mencarimu! Jiwang siol aku.
Went to cck. Lepak kat daerah some guy lived. Betul-betul bawah blok. Tak gentle betul ah budak ni. Tyqa was like showing off her tongue to me with that stupid face of hers. I quickly took her head and kiss her lips. Hahaha. Hyper betul aku ni, tak sangka.
When to IMM Jurong again but with Nadia after sending bby home. Windowshopping for awhile, then bought what I was looking for. I can't wait for that day, that time! Argh, I'm excited! Nadia, you will find someone much better some day. I'm sure of it.
Anyways, here's the pics we camwhored before going to cck. 
Monday, November 17, 2008
I've found a new website. For ladies who like to shop but lazy to get up. Two friends of mine made a blog for you people! I've put it in my links. So do check it up!
I'm Lacking Of Sleep

I woke up around 5pm. Baik perr? I'm like a pig when it comes to holidays. I can even sleep the whole day and wake up the next day without even eating. I realise that Tyqa went out with her friends. Enjoy eh korang? I was so damn fucking bored lah. Nothing to do. Nobody's chatting online.
I'm currently laughing like a clown. I'm hearing 2 China men shouting. I can't understand a shit they're talking cause its not my language. They're shouting as if someone's gonna die. I can't find where the sounds come from. But the way they were shouting makes me laugh. Stupid foreigners. Go back to your country lah, asshole.
I have a confession to make. I have this bad habit of hating chinese people. Especially the old motherfuckers. I can't understand why they have to be so damn kiasu? I once was on the way back home on a bus which was freaking pack. I can't even move to the side, front or back. So I just stood there. Then came in an old auntie. She look to the back of the bus and tried to squeeze in. For the first time in my life I got squashed by an old auntie. She squeeze in and then stop, right at my back. So damn irritating. When the bus moved left or right, I didn't grab hold of the handle bars so I purposely swang my arms as if I'm lossing my balance. My elbow hit her head. I was laughing inside. Serve you right fucker. Then she was kind of mad but she didn't do anything. My stop was next and it was super hard to get out with that auntie behind me. I pressed the bell. I turn as hard as I can, pushed the auntie away. She fell infront where there's a couple sitting. She shout vulgar words. So I shouted back, "Hidup mati melayu!" I don't know why I said that but it felt great. I simply hate all old chinese, but for some chinese I'm ok with it.
i need chocolate!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I Miss You
I overnighted at cousin's house last night. We watch ghost stories and a horror movie. REC was the scariest, creative movie ever seen. A must watch movie. Then the rest watched 'Tropic Thunder' but I didn't. I was kind of sleepy. So I took a nap for awhile. I woke up around 3am. Everyone was dead sleeping. It was so damn fucking bored lah. So I just played PSP till 6am. Lay down till 8am then I went 'home-sweet-home' to sleep. I just couldn't sleep down there, idk why.
I walked past baby's block and I looked up. God, I miss her sooo freaking much. I miss our late night calls. I miss her voice. I miss her 'I love you too'. I miss Nur Atika binte Marjuki soo much! I wanna meet her again! But when? 25th? That's like 1 week more. I don't care lah. If I have to wait, then I'll wait. I love you bby!
Since I've reached home this morning, I've been asleep. I've been sleeping from like 9am - 8pm? I woke up and saw 1 miss call and 2 text msg. Both from Tyqabby. Pagi-pagi nak buat orang mengamok ngan msg tu. (You know what I mean!) I ate 3 packets of instant mee goreng and I'm still hungry. I waited for my parents to come back home cause my mom brought this laptop to cousin's house. Ate, watched tv, slept, played guitar, checked hp. That's all I did since I reached home. There's one thing I didn't do today. Smoke! Aren't I a good boy? Feels weird though. I need chocolate right now! I'm going down to buy it.
i need to complete my story right away!
I walked past baby's block and I looked up. God, I miss her sooo freaking much. I miss our late night calls. I miss her voice. I miss her 'I love you too'. I miss Nur Atika binte Marjuki soo much! I wanna meet her again! But when? 25th? That's like 1 week more. I don't care lah. If I have to wait, then I'll wait. I love you bby!
Since I've reached home this morning, I've been asleep. I've been sleeping from like 9am - 8pm? I woke up and saw 1 miss call and 2 text msg. Both from Tyqabby. Pagi-pagi nak buat orang mengamok ngan msg tu. (You know what I mean!) I ate 3 packets of instant mee goreng and I'm still hungry. I waited for my parents to come back home cause my mom brought this laptop to cousin's house. Ate, watched tv, slept, played guitar, checked hp. That's all I did since I reached home. There's one thing I didn't do today. Smoke! Aren't I a good boy? Feels weird though. I need chocolate right now! I'm going down to buy it.
i need to complete my story right away!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
New Skin, New Atmosphere
I've changed my skin. This one looks much better than the old one. It looks simple and neat. If you realised why there's no tagboard, I'll tell you why. I had this group of spammers/friends/haters/ex who hated me and spammed me. But its all settled but a new asshole came spamming. One of sachek family? That's what I heard. Why come to me? I'm not in sachok family, I'm a Young Crew. Always and forever be. So don't come to me and say all those stuff. If you're in a clan, don't make trouble. You're just a clan, not a gang, not a design. So I would like to advise this girl who tag/spam me, do not hurt any of my friends. You wouldn't like it.
I had NCC R.O.D. function this morning. It started at around 9am but I woke up at 9am. Baik per? I had rush. I didn't even had time to look at my hair. So I didn't know how bad-looking was I this morning. I came around 10.30am. It was freaking dark and boring. The only R.O.D. function that I like was the batch before mine do it. Super cool I tell you. It was like a mini restaurant. Red carpets, waiters. Super cool. Anyways, the lunch was superb. I love it. I hadn't had the perfect meal since yesterday. Fish, chicken. OMG, I wanna eat it again. After lunch, it was over. I was all around school. Part A & B was at the 2.4km track, playing 'tekan game'. The most cruel thing I've ever seen. You should know. Part C was marching at the arena. Then the NCO's time to do the last footdrill together. Stupid fucktards, keep on laughing like hell. Then it was birthday celebrations. Kids who's birthday just past were thrown at the pond. They came back with that fishy smell. I came to them and said, "Something's fishy in here." I know lame.
That's the highlight for today. I have to go to my aunt house right now. Nights people!
I had NCC R.O.D. function this morning. It started at around 9am but I woke up at 9am. Baik per? I had rush. I didn't even had time to look at my hair. So I didn't know how bad-looking was I this morning. I came around 10.30am. It was freaking dark and boring. The only R.O.D. function that I like was the batch before mine do it. Super cool I tell you. It was like a mini restaurant. Red carpets, waiters. Super cool. Anyways, the lunch was superb. I love it. I hadn't had the perfect meal since yesterday. Fish, chicken. OMG, I wanna eat it again. After lunch, it was over. I was all around school. Part A & B was at the 2.4km track, playing 'tekan game'. The most cruel thing I've ever seen. You should know. Part C was marching at the arena. Then the NCO's time to do the last footdrill together. Stupid fucktards, keep on laughing like hell. Then it was birthday celebrations. Kids who's birthday just past were thrown at the pond. They came back with that fishy smell. I came to them and said, "Something's fishy in here." I know lame.
That's the highlight for today. I have to go to my aunt house right now. Nights people!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What'up, What's Happenin' Haters?
What's done is done. Hate me all you want. Spamming at my blog, that's so lame. Think before you start a fight. You're still young, your parents still care about you. Tell you something k. If ya'll still not happy, turun Jurong West. I'm all around Jurong West. Take care haters! So long! I'll miss ya!
I'll be away tmr. I'm going my friends class chalet. So I'll update the next 2 days k.
I'll be away tmr. I'm going my friends class chalet. So I'll update the next 2 days k.
My Life, Not Yours
God help! Why must this happen to me right now? When I was single and alone, why nobody came after me? When I'm almost with someone and really love someone, why many came after me? Many as in lots of them. Stress lah aku. Aku sayang Tyqa, aku nak Tyqa, aku rindu Tyqa. Aku nak setia pada satu can?
Monday, November 10, 2008
I See Haters.
What'up haters? What's happenin? I see you checking on me again and again. I see you writing on your blog, saying 'I FUCKING HATE _ _ _ _ _ _!' Oh well, I don't give shit about you suckers. Hate me all you want, I'm still standing strong. Pain's a small thing, I won't feel it. Say whatever you have to say. No matter what, here I am, still I stand!
I've been busy in something. It has to be done before 18 December 2008. Something for you bby! So you won't get bored during your Malaysia Trip. Hope you'll enjoy your day there k. ily!
I don't know if I might be blogging everyday. But I'll try my best to keep this blog alive.
I got to go now. Bye haters! Bye bloghoppers! Bye bby! I love you all!
I've been busy in something. It has to be done before 18 December 2008. Something for you bby! So you won't get bored during your Malaysia Trip. Hope you'll enjoy your day there k. ily!
I don't know if I might be blogging everyday. But I'll try my best to keep this blog alive.
I got to go now. Bye haters! Bye bloghoppers! Bye bby! I love you all!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Day That Never I Wanted
I'm sorry bby.
I know its not enough to say 'I'm sorry'.
We're better off this way.
Find other guy who can treat you better.
Hate me all you want.
But still I will love you.
Tell me that I'm a jerk. I know I am.
I know its not enough to say 'I'm sorry'.
We're better off this way.
Find other guy who can treat you better.
Hate me all you want.
But still I will love you.
Tell me that I'm a jerk. I know I am.
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