Happy birthday bby! I know now its 26th November but I hope its not too late to post it. I know my present for you is very cheap but my love for you very mahal tau. And I promise you that I'll buy something that will get you super happy. I know what you want. And I'll get it for you, I promise. You're the very first person that I truely, madly, deeply in love with. Ni semua tuhan dah plan. And I hope tuhan akan plan kite berdua happy untuk selama-lamanya. And I takot you akan tinggalkan I. Walau apapun, I akan sayang you. I akan tunggu untuk you eventhough you ngan kekasih lain. You're my everything, I love you so so so much Nur Atika binte Marjuki! 25/11; a date to remember.
If you want to know what happen during Tyqa's birthday celebration, please kindly visit Tyqa's blog yourself. I am super tired to blog about it.
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