Moving on. I went out with Nadia and Nadheera today. I woke up around 7.30am, which sooo freaking early cause I don't want to get myself late. I was suppose to meet Nadia at 11.30am so I watched tv, surf the net. Watched 'Whose Line Is It Anyway' on YouTube. Without YouTube, life would be boring, am I right? Look, right now bby's watching Corner With Love on YouTube.
I left my house around 11.20am, then I walked from my house to Boon Lay interchange cause Nadia said to meet at 11.50am so I take my own sweet time ah. When I reached Jurong East, I saw that pretty lady (next stop, Kembangan). Train-ed to Woodlands and walked around Causeway Point. Saw what we wanted to buy, tapi mahal sangat siol. Takpe lah, tunggu gaji aku. Nanti beli sebesar punye. We went to the arcade to just walk around but I found out that I had the card. I can play but I have to top up some money in. Played this game. Super annoying lah. Nadia fed up with that machine. Stupid money-sucker machine!
Train-ed to Chua Chu Kang to meet Nadheera. I keep telling Nadia to wear a skirt which really fits her. But she's so stuborn. Little kids doesn't know the taste of fashion, what to do? We sat and waited at McDonald's for that slow princess. Nadia felt bored for a moment and wanted to prank someone. So I gave Haqiz number, sorry babe! Prank maut siol, minahrep style. It took quite a long time for my to understand one word. I really hate those kind of broken english. Even if you're english isn't good, at least write like how to write during your exams.
eg. Aku tawq takot arh.
Dhendhen, eu leavee me alone.
Seriously, I can't stand all those msges. Its not that I hate minah lah but I just don't like the way they msg.
Anyways, we went to Vivo after Nadheera came. Such a long time since I ate that lemon chicken rice at Banquet. I even ate Nadheera's and Nadia's foods. Still hungry at that moment. We walk around to find something, but it's price was expensive and I don't think its that big. Then off to Bugis. Nadia wanted to buy a dress for 25th cause she was told to by her members. As soon as I see a dress, I told Nadia to buy this but she kept saying, 'Rimas'. Ape yang rimas sangat? Seriously Nadia, you look good in it. Anyways, we saw this dress which is nice but we went looking around to find nicer ones. Then Nadia wanted the previous one so we patah balik. Carik punye carik tak jumpe2, rupenye kedai tutup for awhile cause the shopowner nak makan. So we all went level 3 to wait. Camwhore!
I'm lazy to post what happen next. Read Nadia's blog if you want to. Die sexy tau korang! And jgn nak terpikat ngan die eh! Tu adik aku. Kaw nak die, give me you particulars. Hahaha. Merepek sak aku. Korang nak die, amek ah. Jgn bukan2 sudah eh.
Camwhore pictures. I know, my face. Hahaha.

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