I thought going out with RC cliques yesterday would make me feel happy again. But the pain in my heart was too hard to handle. Tears almost fell. Where were my friends? Where was Diana, where was Nadia, where was Izham, where was everyone? These people were the ones so-called-close to me. Not a single person came asking about my life now, not even anyone cared about me. I now understand. Its in the genes. My family were made to be lonely. Don't come to me and say sorry. Cause its not your fault.
I'm always the odd one out. It's like I'm always the last one on people's mind. Sad though but I'm containing myself. Never cry for friends anymore. I wasted tears for you. My life now is just me, family and Erna.
Air mata sudah tiada,
Namun luka smakin berdarah.
Di manakah rasa kasihan,
Adakah hilang nafsu badan?
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