Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'll Miss You Badly

Birthday was such a bore. Well truthfully, every year is sure a bore. I was woken up at 7am with a cake and candles lighted up in front of my face. My parents and my brother got the wrong timing cause I was super sleepy, and I didn't not get a good look at the cake. But well, good effort btw. I skated at Queenstown alone in the morning and then off to RC outside school just to cool off. Suprisingly, almost everyone knew my birthday. Relax for awhile and then off to Clementi. This is not an offence but, it seems like Pondok is getting boring everytime I come. Is it because of the National Exams or everyone has gone different ways? Only God knows. So I went to JRC and found out nobody was there. Minutes later Girlf came first then the rest. Girlf went to JP with my cousin and came back with a 'bolster' with has a perfume smell. Mane tah drg angkut tu perfume. So that is how boring m birthday is. If anybody asked me out on my birthday and made a suprise, I'll be super duper shock. Hmm.

I'll miss you Naz. The only friend that touches my heart with every word he said. I cry.

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