Friday, April 5, 2013


I'm currently busy now. A very tight schedule. I have no time waste on my off days. 2 days of work, 1 day of rest. I can't waste that 24 hours. I have to spend time with her. Yeap, we're back. Not officially but sooner or later we will be back again. On and off relationship. Well, I can't go on a day without her. Its just too lonely. I'm trying every way I can to make her trust that things will be okay. I have to find a way to open her heart again. I got rejected today. Well, I didn't sound serious to her. Its hard for me to talk about it on front of her, I have no self-confidence.

I'll be back with more post. I'll be back with more stories on how things are coming into place. There's ups and downs but fuck my feelings. Pain is just temporary. For now, all I can do is make a note on my phone and post it whenever I'm free.