Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Day That Can Never Be Forgotten

I went out to Malaysia with Baby's family. Shopping, bowling, farming, etc. Had lots of fun down there. Even watched New Moon at City Square. Slept during the middle part of the movie. Its not the movie that sucks, I know what would happen next cause I had read the book more then 10 times? Photos below.

Farming was the coolest thing ever. The turkey was super big. Size? Half of me. Imagine how big was that! The ducklings were the cutest thing. Following the mom everywhere she went. Pluck out chillies. Chopped off sugarcanes.

Bowling with her family was relaxing. The curling shots impressed them. Chey. Hahaha. Such a long time since I last played bowling.

Our enjoyable day was cut by a phone call. Rush back to Singapore as soon as possible and went straight to NUS. Saddest thing ever happen.

Our son. Nah, he's Baby's cousin. Cute kan? I know.

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