Sunday, December 27, 2009

Its Our 3rd!

Happy 3rd monthsary to us! This is the longest relationship that I ever had and yet I didn't regret the decision to have you in my life. You showed me love, in every way that you can. You cared for me when none else did. You brought me back to life.

3 month for me is damn fast. To picture back the first day we met, was hilarious. We didn't even had that thought of getting together. But what I know, I had the feeling for you long time ago. I still remember the first day we contacted. I was only with Thosei. He asked me who my crush was, then you replied my text. I was happy as hell. Its like, kite ditakdirkan gitu. Haha.

I remembered saying I'm sucked at everything. But you changed me to someone better. I don't know how, but you did it. I'm much more confident then I felt before.

I never get the day to spend the 27th with her alone. Do the things that I've always wanted as a boyfriend/soulmate. I wished I could.

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