Saturday, September 6, 2008

Its Going Up, Down And Up Again!

Woke up in the morning. I felt down after hearing she patch back with her ex. Damn, tears can't stop rolling down. Called Nadia and told about it. She haven't even bath yet till now. Air pollution people!!

ooooouuuuh Muhammad Danial Bin Zulkiflee
You are really important tuh me taw..
You know when i'm down..
When i'm crying..
You trully are a great friend.
You know my problems
You are there when i need someone to talk to..
I really need you okay!
Please,be right there by my side even anything happens

This is writen in Nurdiana Erniwaty binte Ismail's blog! So damn sweet! Nobody has ever said this kind of things to me. I was speechless for awhile, then tears rolled down my cheek. Happy tears, i think? I LOVE YOU BABY!

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