Friday, January 23, 2009

And her name is...

Hello Danial, my good friend :B

Remember to note down every single thing that happens, and make sure you'll report every single event to me at the end of the day. Hahaha! And oh , promise me you keep everything that I tell you wherever, whenever, to yourself and only you. No one else please. Xie xie ni.

I am bored. Why no one wants to entertain me ?! I sadded oleady uhyzxs, *sobs :'(

Happy Chinese New Year to all bengs and lians and non-bengs and non-lians. Hahaha.

Eh Dan, I feel verrrrrrrrrry happy because I just made someone pissed off by my sweet words. Hohoho, the bloody sweet-talker mxtherfxcker got pissed by my polite words. HAHAHA. You know I know, he/she knows. The rest don't knoooooow ! *runs in circles*

Dah lah. Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam (L)

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