Saturday, November 22, 2008

Finally Work Came To Me

Yeepidie yey!
My mom woke me up around 11am. She said my uncle got a position for me at Pizza Hut. I felt grateful At last, I've got something to do rather than sleeping at home like a pig. I won't tell you where I would work cause I hate people spying on me while I'm working. Feels uncomfortable. But sooner or later you'll know cause the place is such a common place where people would visit.

Went for the interview and I got it. But there's somethings I need to do and bring. I have to photocopy both bank book and IC (both sides), buy black socks and shoes, go for this injection thingy but I went for it before and I forgot where I put the receipt. Gosh, I have to go for another one. I hate needles.

After the interview, I went to Haqiz house. Downloaded some songs to my iPod. I've got my iPod from 1/4 to 3/4 full of songs. Then went to Danish which is a few metres away from bby's house. I walked past her block when I went back home.
imy bby!

Tmr meeting Nadia! So long suckers!

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